In 2021 MAGNUM FBO® became a proud member of The Paragon Network® – an elite group of more than 100 FBOs and international handling agents that provide a five-star experience for general aviation traveler across the world.

Paragon Aviation Group believes in the importance of the independent operators, whose service level are often superior to the large chains and therefore preferred by diverse flight departments/crew members across the world.

MAGNUM FBO® has gone through an extensive audit of the facilities and its FBO services, demonstrating safety, quality, reliability, value, and customer service at first-rate to become an eligible member of The Paragon Network®.

Since 2010, Paragon Aviation Group has been committed to excellence in all areas of their business. This distinguished FBO network of independent operators bring something to aviation that no other large FBO chain can offer – the certainty that every time you visit a Paragon member you are at a first-class FBO facility with top notch service.

MAGNUM FBO® locations listing